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Books, Magazines, Publications & Software:![]() |
![]() Country Wisdom Bulletins RR1 Box 105 Pownal, VT 05261-9988 Phone: (800) 441-5700 Email: webmaster@storey.com |
![]() There are more than 60 of these very handy, clearly written bulletins. Many of the authors are well known experts, and these booklets are a condensation of one topic, or the information has been excerpted from a bigger, more expensive book. All booklets are 32 pages long, have graphics and or photographs and are up-to-date, very practical information sources. Each "how to" booklet is easy to read and offers clear direction. They are a great place to start a small project...like building a compost holder or mulching a garden properly. At $3.55 each they are affordable and a fast read. |
Back to Basics P.O. Box 1138 Waynesville, NC 28786 Phone: (828) 452-2866 Email: basics@dnet.net |
Back to Basics is a small mail order company located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Waynesville, North Carolina. They carry several useful preparedness books as well as other products. |
Survival Books P.O. Box 20 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-0020 Phone: (818) 704-1818 Fax: (818) 704-0322 |
One of the better sources for books on the "fringe" that mainstream publishers and bookstores won't touch. Here you'll find everything from wilderness survival skills to manufacturing your own fully-automatic 9mm rifle. |
The Hesperian Foundation 1919 Addison Street, Suite 304 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (510) 845-1447 Fax: (510) 845-0539 Email: hesperianfdn@igc.apc.org |
Where There is No Doctor and Where There is No Dentist are self-help medical books published by the Hesperian Foundation for use in third-world countries. While they seem to believe people in these countries can only understand vulgar and crude language for bodily parts and processes (and write their books accordingly), these are still two of the best medical texts available at a reasonable cost. If you aren't too put off by the language I highly recommend them. |
Backwoods Home Magazine "Practical ideas for self-reliant living" P.O. Box 712 Gold Beach, OR 97444 Phone: (541) 247-8900 Orders: (800) 835-2418 Email: editor@backwoodshome.com |
Published bi-monthly, this is one of the best preparedness magazines that I know of. In addition to extremely helpful articles on a variety of subjects, they have Anthologies of their back issues as well as a large selection of pertinent books. If nothing else, visit their website to look over all the collateral material and services they provide online. |
Books-and-Stuff "Welcome to the Best LDS and Children's Bookstore on the Web" 1643 Lakewood Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84117-7517 Phone: (801) 278 7102 Fax: (801) 272 6778 Orders: (800) 669 5191 Email: info@books-and-stuff.com |
This is a LDS web site which carries several books you will find useful. They also carry the Revelar Software "Food Storage Planner v2.03" for $29.95. If you're just starting on your preparedness you will find this program extremely helpful. It is available for both Windows and MacIntosh. |
Countryside Magazine W11564 Hwy 64 Withee, WI 54498 Phone: (800) 551-5691 Fax: (715) 785-7414 Email: csymag@midway.tds.net |
Learn about organic gardening, raising small livestock, country cooking, alternative energy, food preservation, and more about everything you want to know about simple, self-reliant living. They currently (8/31/99) have a Trial Subscription Offer; 6 months (3 issues) for $4.95. |
Amazon.Com P.O. Box 80387 Seattle, WA 98101-80387 Phone: (800) 201-7575 Email: (click here for listing) |
This is a great online bookstore which can usually get any title you may want, even if out of print. Pricing is from 20 - 50 percent below retail on most titles. |
BarnesandNoble.Com Phone: (800) 843-2665 Email: (click here for listing) |
This is another online bookstore that I've found useful -- it sometimes has books that I've been unable to find on Amazon.Com. |
1BargainBookstreet.Com "Overstocks, remainders, out-of-print..." 171-C Brush Street P.O. Box 8515 Ukiah, California 95482-8515 Phone: (800) 949-4946 Email: (click here for listing) |
You can save up to 80 percent on titles at the Bargain Book Warehouse and never pay a "per book" handling charge. |
Borders.Com 100 Phoenix Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2202 Phone: (800) 770-7811 Email: (click here for listing) |
Another good online bookstore resource. |
Book Stacks Unlimited, Inc. 1300 East 9th Street Suite L22 Cleveland, OH 44114 Phone: (216) 696-1050 Email: books@books.com |
This is another good online book store. They usually ship within 2-3 business days and often have lower prices than anyone else and provide a "Price Comparison" tool that quickly compares their price to Amazon.Com, Barnes & Noble, and Borders. |