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Gardening & Heirloom Seeds:![]() |
![]() "Heirloom, Open-pollinated, Non-hybrid Seed" P.O. Box 192 Molalla, OR 97038 Fax: (503) 829-3126 Email: orders@VictorySeeds.com |
![]() The Victory Seed Company is a family owned and operated garden seed business with over 140 varieties of exclusively open-pollinated (non-heirloom) seeds. All items on the Web catalog are in stock and ready to ship. |
Richter "Herb Specialists" 357 Highway 47 Goodwood, Ontario L0C 1A0, Canada Phone: (905) 640-6677 Fax: (905) 640-6641 Email: orderdesk@richters.com |
Richters is a leading Canadian bulk seed grower and distributor with over 30 years of experience in the herb industry. They ship seeds as well as live plants, tubers and rootings. The web site has a lot of useful information on it, including newsletters and Q&A sections. |
The Ark Institute "Possibly the best source of open-pollinated seeds and info" P.O. Box 142 Oxford, OH 45056 Phone: (800) 255-1912 Email: arkinst@concentric.net |
The Ark Institute is a prime source for excellent books and information on gardening as well as their "Survival Seed Package," which as been designed to feed a family of four both fresh and preserved begetables for 12 months. The package contains 50 different varieties of vegetables, fruits, grains and herbs. Cost is $159 (includes shipping) and includes a copy of Geri Guidetti's book, Build Your Own Ark! How to Prepare for Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times. |
Back to Eden "Y2K Seed Survival Kit c/o TLC Greenhouse, Inc. 3976 M-50 Lane Paonia, CO 81428 Phone: (970) 527-3375 Fax: (970) 527-6221 Email: seeds@tlchub.com |
Back to Eden has 4 different Survival Seed Kits, each specially designed for various regions of the US according to where the purchaser lives. The kits are vacumn-packed, weigh 10 lbs. and have 55+ varieties included. Normal price is $129, but as of 11/3/99 they were running a special at $97/kit. |
The Potato Patch "Garden Ready Seed Sets and Mini-Tubers delivered to your door!" Rural Route 1 Box 263 Halstad, MN 56548 Phone: (218) 456-2161 Fax: (218) 456-2222 Email: INFO@potatopatch.com |
The Potato Patch is a seed potato company with a family tradition of producing the highest quality seed potato stock, dating to the 1920's. At the Potato Patch, certified seed stock is derived from disease free potato plant tissue which is multiplied in the state of the art laboratory. This process is called micropropogation and involves growing the plants in test tubes. These plants are then transplanted into modern greenhouses for the production of mini-tubers. |
Seeds Blüm "Taking a leadership role in bringing heirloom varieties into the popular culture." HC 33, Box 2057 Boise, ID 83706 Phone: (800) 528-3658 Fax: (208) 338-5658 Email: 103374.167@compuserve.com |
Seeds Blüm is a seed company specializing in heirloom vegetables, flowers, and herbs for home gardeners. There is a wealth of information on their website, including how you can save your own seeds. They also have Y2K seed packs available. |
Sow Organic "Garden Ready Seed Sets and Mini-Tubers delivered to your door!" 1573 Wilson Ct. Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (888) 709-SEED[7333] Email: organic@organicseed.com |
Southern Oregon Organics carries open pollinated seeds which include heirloom varieties of veggie, flowers, & herbs. These seeds are farm direct and untreated and are suitable for seed saving. |
Drysdale Seed Company "95% of our seeds can be container grown" P.O. Box 1166 Arnold, MO 63010 Phone: (314) 282-0262 Fax: (314) 282-0262 Orders: (800) 464-8272 Email: seeds@keepsmilin.com |
Seeds are in stock year round. Orders are shipped within 3 to 4 days via First Class Postage. Overseas orders are shipped via Air Mail. |
High Altitude P.O. Box 280327 Lakewood, CO 80228 Email: myway@h2net.net |
Sells a "...two year supply of non-hybrid garden seed along with helpful information on storing, growing and saving seeds, enough for a family of four." |
Liberty Seed Company P.O. Box 806 New Philadelphia, OH 44663-0806 Phone: (330) 364-1611 Fax: (330) 364-6415 Email: info@libertyseed.com |
This is a standard seed company that carries a fair selection of heirloom seeds, with a decent selection of tomatoes and ornamental corn. Also carries gardening supplies. |
Matthew's Old Time Seed Co. "The Original Internet Emporium of Pre-20th Century & Traditional Vegetables" 6959 Tartan Curve Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55346 Phone: (612) 974-0955 Fax: (612) 974-0863 Email: seeds@heirloomseed.com |
Carries a good selection of heirlooms with hard-to-find varieties of beans and squash. |
Mellinger's Inc. "Over 4,000 Items" 2310 W. South Range Rd North Lima, OH 44452 Phone: (330) 549-9861 Fax: (330) 549-3716 Ordering: (800) 321-7444 Email: melgarden@aol.com |
Mellinger's is a full line seed company with a full selection of popular heirlooms. Carries cover crops, fruit, flower, and tree seeds and plants. In business 71 years. |
The Territorial Seed Company "The Millennium Victory Garden - Your complete seed needs for the millennium. " P.O. Box 157 Cottage Grove, OR 97424-0061 Phone: (541) 942-9547 Ordering Fax: (888) 657-3131 Email: tertrl@srv1.vsite.com |
"For those people who are concerned about being prepared, we have gathered together our best varieties for self-sufficiency and for maintaining your own seed saving program into the future. We know you will need easy-to-grow, early-maturing, open-pollinated, "seedy" varieties. We have placed the seed with 2 desiccant packs (helps to extend seed life) into a watertight gallon metal tin. To help ensure your success, we have also included our 1999 seed catalog for its valuable cultural information. This Millennium Victory Garden Collection contains 47 different varieties, from broccoli to turnips." |