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Storage Food Retailers:![]() |
![]() 135 North 10th P.O. Box 307 Montpelier, ID 83254 Phone: (800) 269-8563 Fax: (208) 847-046 Email: mark@waltonfeed.com |
![]() Major supplier of storage foods. Walton's supplies bulk and nitrogen-packed dehydrated foods and grains/legumes, oxygen absorbers and other packaging supplies. Head gas analyses of most of their products are available on the site. Also an excellent source of helpful information dealing with food and food storage. |
The AmericaNewsNet P.O. Box 1750 Johnstown, CO 80534 Phone: (800) 205-6245 [orders only] Email: comments@amerifree.com |
Source of conservative news. Also sell pre-packaged food storage (including organic), as well as food preparation, emergency supplies, radios, flashlights, water filters, satellite dishes, cold weather gear and videos. |
B&A Products Rt. 1 Box 100 Bunch, OK 74931-9705 Phone: (918) 696-5998 Fax: (918) 696-5999 Email: byron@baproducts.com |
While I don't personally subscribe to the spiritual and philosophical ideas that Byron and Annie Kirkwood espouse, they are very helpful folks when you have questions about emergency preparedness. At their web site they sell water filters, Heater Meals, and Ready Reserve and Alpineaire pre-packaged storage foods. |
Best Prices Storable Foods 2611 N. Beltline Road Suite 127 Sunnyvale (Dallas), Texas 75182 Phone: (972) 226-9945 Fax: (972) 226-9927 Email: foodstr2@airmail.net |
LifeSource, Chiken Chunks, McCormick Spices, Mountain House freeze dried foods, MREs, long-term storage canned meats, grain grinders and diatomaceous earth. They also have a retail location which you can visit by appointment. |
Countryside Granary P.O. Box 23 Rock Valley, IA. 51247 Phone: (888) 236-8780 Phone: (877) 753-2485 csgranary@aol.com |
Grains from the Heartland of America, shipped in bulk bags or 6 gallon pails, lined with a heavy plastic bag, permeated with nitrogen, and 2 large oxygen absorbers. NitroPails are ready for long term storage. Bulk bags can be repackaged by customers. Also dehydrated fruits, vegetables and dairy, sprouting seeds, diatomaceous earth, oxygen absorbers and food-grade 55 gallon drums. |
CSIN "America's Discount Food Source" 4202 Santiago, Bldg. #3 Austin, TX 78745 Phone: (877) 643-4070 Phone: (512) 428-9200 Fax: (512) 428-9250 Email: csin@csin.com |
Water filters, MREs, solar power, fruits and vegetables (dehydrated and freeze-dried), books, software, radios, flashlights and misc supplies. 20% Cancellation Fee for all canceled orders. |
Emergency Essentials "Priorities of Preparedness" 165 South Mountain Way Drive Orem, UT 84058 Phone: (800) 999-1863 Fax: (604) 420-0975 Email: webmaster@beprepared.com |
A major preparedness retailer with storage foods of all types, as well as MREs, water purifiers, storage containers, grain mills and other food equipment. Free downloadable preparedness software and "Insight Articles" available on the website. |
Future Foods "For over 14 years, this packaged food has been providing life saving nutrition for children throughout the world." 5401 Boone Avenue North New Hope, MN 55428 Phone: (612) 504-2930 Ext. 2050 Fax: (612) 504-2943 Email: FutureFoods@FoodForSurvival.com |
Future Foods is part of Feeding Starving Children International and was started to provide low-cost complete nutrition for anyone wanting to provide security to their families in response to any emergency. The people at Future Foods claim that this product is the most nutritionally complete food of its type available, with a 3 to 5 year shelf life. Priced as low as $0.49/meal, it's certainly cost-effective. I've got some in my food storage and I recommend it -- I find it to be very tasty. |
The Joseph Project "At the Joseph Project, our goal is not survival. Our goal is life for others, abundant life... even if it costs us ours." P.O.Box 6701 Lubbock, TX 79493-6701 Phone: (800) 999-1863 Fax: (806) 747-0563 Email: info@josephproject.com |
The Joseph Project provides dehydrated soups and foods in bulk quantities, packaged in poly bags and cardboard boxes for shipping. Their products are useful for: campers, mission groups, families on a budget, Y2K planners, those who minister after disasters, benevolence agencies and survival groups. |
Lehi Mill 833 East Main Street Lehi, Utah 84043 Phone: (801) 768-4401 Fax: 801-768-4557 Email: lrmci@itsnet.com |
Lehi Mill sells Turkey Red winter wheat packed in 50 lb. bags or 45 lb. RoPak 6 gal. buckets. They also sell rolled oats, honey, Morning Moos milk substitute, dehydrated eggs and butter powder as well as a variety of legumes. I've purchased from them and find them to be a great supplier, very friendly and helpful if you have questions. |
Pleasant Hill Grain Farm 1604 N. Hwy 14 Aurora, NE 68818 Phone: Contact by email for phone number. Email: zz@hamilton.net |
Grain, sprouts, grain mills, cheese, meat, dehydrated eggs, wheat, corn, soybeans, oats and open-pollinated garden seeds from the farm for Y2K. |
Updated on 04/17/2000 22:56:36. |